Strategic buying: buy when it’s favorable

Arrange your electricity contracts ahead of time – when it’s your strategic advantage.

Future-proofing your electricity contracts

The price of your next electricity contract is constantly changing in a dynamic, volatile market. Strategic buying allows you to take advantage of price dips or to lock-in prices to avoid upward price movements.

Meet your business needs today and in the future

Buy ahead of time when the price dips

Most businesses arrange their next contract when it is about to expire. Buy before your expiry date when pricing is in your favor and not when you are forced to take the price on the day.

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Avoid pool pricing, buy strategically

Pool pricing just takes whatever the market will serve up on a given day. Buy ahead of time with forward contracting and lock-in your prices before your contract expires. It’s the strategic and smarter thing to do.

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Buy when demand for contracts are low

Most businesses only start arranging their next contract when it’s about to expire. If you buy when the demand is low, then prices should be lower.

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Lock-in your input costs to maximize profits

Start locking-in your electricity prices ahead of time. So, you can then focus on pricing your services and products profitably without having to run the risk of unknown energy prices.

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Ready to start your journey?

Learn about AECO Energy’s ecosystem offering best-in-class business consulting and solution implementation services.

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