Smarter competition with reverse auction and tender

Choose the best way and the right time to induce competition to get the best electricity price with an award-winning platform

The future of electricity procurement: an intelligent reverse auction and tender

Get the Philippines’ electricity retailers to compete for your electricity contract with an intelligent reverse auction and tender platform. Depending on your market strategy, get eligible retailers compete to get your business.

Meet your business needs today and in the future

Pick the best method – reverse auction or tender?

Get the best electricity rates by creating market tension amongst the Philippines’ electricity retailers. Use ‘Tenders’ when competition seems lower and ‘Reverse Auction’ when interest is high in your particular profile of usage.

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Quick results, low price

The purpose of the 15-minute rule is to prevent sniping and to give electricity retailers equal opportunities to join your Reverse Auction or Tender. Build competitive tension for 15 minutes, get the results fast and achieve better savings.

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No penalties

You don’t get penalized for not accepting an offer after your Reverse Auction or Tender. You’re free to modify from Reverse Auction to Tender and vice versa.

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Choose the plan that best suits your needs

Enjoy a MarketPro full demo and choose the best plan and service for your business. Our subscription plans will fit right in your budget.

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Ready to start your journey?

Learn about AECO Energy’s ecosystem offering best-in-class business consulting and solution implementation services.

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