Get cheaper electricity with the right strategy and right people

Get the right skills and expertise to lower your electricity prices compared to DIY procurement

Achieve your business goals with the right PLAN

Preparing for the right plan involves better or new methods and expertise to lower your electricity costs.

Meet your business needs today and in the future

Experts in buying electricity

AECO Energy’s team of engineers and market specialists bring over 13 years of experience in getting customers lower cost of electricity in deregulated markets. They are the experts in buying electricity, motivated to give you the lowest cost and keeping you in the best market position. You can trust their expertise in navigating you in the open electricity market.

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Buy in advance when prices are low, not when you are forced to buy

Even when you are in a current contract, the price for your next contract is constantly changing. If you wait until your contract is about to expire, you may miss out on savings. So, why not arrange your electricity contracts up to 2 years in advance? Buy smarter by buying ahead instead of becoming a price taker.

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Intelligent reverse auctions and tenders

Markets are dynamic and constantly changing, and there is no “ONE” best way to procure electricity contracts on all occasions. AECO Energy uses Reverse Auctions and Tenders to provide the best competitive environment in different market circumstances. We offer both forms of procurement and a guide on when to best use it, all to lower your price by increasing competition. Henlo

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Lower costs mean savings

Our award-winning MarketPro platform is entirely online and automated, lowering your cost by inducing competition. Retailers’ reduced costs should be your savings. We induce competition to ensure that retailers are motivated to win your business, lower their prices and benefit from a win-win of lower costs.

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Joining a volume purchase means bigger savings

Everything is cheaper when you buy in bulk. By means of aggregating electricity contracts into a portfolio, our customers can enjoy a professionally managed, low-cost service to gain access to volume discounts and lower prices than buying individually.

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Commission-free energy quotations

AECO Energy is motivated to lower your cost without the need to add a commission on top of your electricity contract. Save by not paying hidden commission charges. Our subscription plans for MarketPro and Portfolio are all you need to pay, no more, no less!

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Quick time to market

Lowering your price can be achieved by giving your electricity retailers an equal opportunity to place their best bid within 15 minutes. This will ensure that you will receive the best value for your auction or tender.

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More electricity retailers, more competitive tension

We seek to present the broadest number of suppliers with simultaneous offers on the current market to give you more retailers to choose from in a controlled procurement process. It’s all about inducing competitive tension, competition and lowering your price. By asking every retailer simultaneously with short price validities, we induce price competition.

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Ready to start your journey?

Learn about AECO Energy’s ecosystem offering best-in-class business consulting and solution implementation services.

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