Exercise your power to choose.
Make the switch. Start the savings.

Maximize the benefits of energy deregulation with the help of a brokerage service for a professional, data-led switch.

Request a demo

A brokerage service that will help you obtain the best rates available in the market. Benefit from AECO’s 15 years of expertise, award-winning software, and thousands of industrial and commercial customers.

Get access to lower electricity rates and better savings with a brokerage service to save your business more

If you are a contestable customer, you can now enjoy better electricity rates and the liberty to choose the RES that will suit your needs with the help of AECO Energy’s experts.

Explore how we can help your business run better

Outsourcing your electricity requirements to the experts can help you save on electricity rates. It is the easiest and most convenient way to get access to the most competitive rates in the market.


  • Execute an auction or tender via AECO's bidding platform, BidPro, to induce competition and secure the best rates
  • Leverage on AECO's exclusive access to negotiated rates from partner retailers
  • Access to AECO's partner retailers giving you the power to choose the best rate for your business
  • Cashflow positive from Day 1 -- the savings pay for the service
  • Flexible payment schemes making it cashflow-friendly

Switching as easy as 1-2-3-4

  1. Send your 12 months electricity bills for analysis
    Share a year's worth of bills so our energy experts can create a
    customized analysis report.
  2. Induce competition via auction or tender
    We'll use our bidding platform, BidPro, to run an auction or tender with our partner retailers to get the best deal for your business.
  3. Compare and pick the best offers
    Compare what's the best offer from our trusted partner retailers to find the right deals for your business. All you need to do is pick the best offer.
  4. Start the switch
    We'll handle the rest of the switch for you. We'll let your old and new RES know about the switch and keep you informed at every step.

An expert-driven, professional, and data-led switching service to help contestable customers transition to a new RES with the best possible deals leveraging on AECO’s market expertise.


  • Extensive experience and knowledge in energy deregulation since 2009
  • Expert analysis of your consumption and load profile for better retailer offers
  • Benefit from our team of engineers with technical local market expertise
  • Guide you to make data-led, informed decisions when securing your next electricity contract
  • Oversee a smooth transition between your old and new RES

Switching as easy as 1-2-3-4

  1. Send your 12 months electricity bills for analysis
    Share a year's worth of bills so our energy experts can create a customized analysis report.
  2. Induce competition via auction or tender
    We'll use our bidding platform, BidPro, to run an auction or tender with our partner retailers to get the best deal for your business.
  3. Compare and pick the best offers
    Compare what's the best offer from our trusted partner retailers to find the right deals for your business. All you need to do is pick the best offer.
  4. Start the switch
    We'll handle the rest of the switch for you. We'll let your old and new RES know about the switch and keep you informed at every step.

Switch is a cost-effective and professional service to procure a single, new electricity contract quickly and easily.


  • Obtain a single, new electricity contract through AECO’s brokerage service (one-time transaction)
  • Less administrative effort and time to secure your next electricity contract
  • Ensure fast turnaround time to analyze and secure contracts based on RES' validity periods

Switching as easy as 1-2-3-4

  1. Send your 12 months electricity bills for analysis
    Share a year's worth of bills so our energy experts can create a customized analysis report.
  2. Induce competition via auction or tender
    We'll use our bidding platform, BidPro, to run an auction or tender with our partner retailers to get the best deal for your business.
  3. Compare and pick the best offers
    Compare what's the best offer from our trusted partner retailers to find the right deals for your business. All you need to do is pick the best offer.
  4. Start the switch
    We'll handle the rest of the switch for you. We'll let your old and new RES know about the switch and keep you informed at every step.

Avoid overcharges and billing errors that can potentially cost your business.

Safeguard your business against unnecessary billing charges and errors with an outsourced, professional and proactive billing verification and accounts payable service called, TruPay.


  • Make your switch even easier with TruPay’s seamless integration with your Switch contract and new retailer
  • Proactive checking of your billings to prevent overcharges and errors
  • Expert management of billing errors and disputes, after all, AECO knows your Retail Supply Contract better than anyone

Choose to save.
Make the switch!

Take the first step to lower electricity costs, make it AECO Energy Switch. Talk to us about it.

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