The AECO Energy Channel
Partner Program

Get recognized and rewarded for delivering better business outcomes for your customers.

Become a partner today

Leverage opportunities in this fast-growing market

The AECO Energy Channel Partner Program is flexibly structured around how you deliver value to customers. Participate as an affiliate marketer or sales partner – whatever fits your business.

Which role is right for you

Depending on your needs, you can join the role that you like. Requirements vary for both roles, including time and resource investments so you have more flexibility and better return on investment.

Affiliate Marketing Partner

  • Independent marketers or affiliate marketers who promote AECO’s products and services
  • Typically focused on promotions while AECO takes on the sales activities
  • The hunters.

Direct Sales Partner

  • End-to-end sales – from promotions, to leads generation, to selling, and closing
  • Involves a more formal relationship between AECO and the customer
  • The closers.

Deliver energy expertise to your customers

Show your customers you have the energy expertise to deliver energy procurement and management solutions that help drive energy cost savings.

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